Run, Melos, Run
03.18(Tue)10:0011:47Cine Wind
03.20(Thu)10:0011:47Cine Wind

Set in 4th century BCE Greece, this gripping story by Osamu Dazai explores the unbreakable bond of friendship. Melos is arrested for loitering in the royal palace grounds and sentenced to death by the tyrannical King Theonysius II. He pleads for three days to attend his sister’s wedding, leaving his friend Serine as a hostage whose life depends on Melos’s return. Racing against time and fate, Melos faces countless challenges to save his friend.
Ⓒ1992.太宰治/朝日新聞社・テレビ朝日・新潮社・電通 鉄鋼ビルディング・ビジュアル80
Masaaki Osumi
B. 1934 Hyogo; actor and director; Holds a Master’s degree in Media Studies from the Graduate School of Tokyo Institute of Technology. He currently serves as a Creative Adviser at the Katayanagi Research Institute, Tokyo Institute of Technology. His notable works include Monster Kid (1969) and Moomin (1971).
03.18(Tue)10:0011:47Cine Wind
03.20(Thu)10:0011:47Cine Wind