Niigata International Animation Festival
Online Registration Agreement FormThis page is Excluding Competition section.

Your application has been accepted

An automatic reply email will be sent to the applicant’s email address informing them that the application has been received, so please keep it as the proof.
If you have any questions regarding your application, please contact us at the email address below.
Secretariat of Niigata International Animation Film Festival
<!– function converter(M){ var str="", str_as=""; for(var i=0;i<M.length;i++){ str_as = M.charCodeAt(i); str += String.fromCharCode(str_as + 1); } return str; } function mail_to(k_1,k_2) {eval(String.fromCharCode(108,111,99,97,116,105,111,110,46,104,114,101,102,32, 61,32,39,109,97,105,108,116,111,58) + escape(k_1) + converter(String.fromCharCode(100,109,115,113,120,63,109,104,96,101,101,45,109,100,115, 62,114,116,97,105,100,98,115,60)) + escape(k_2) + "'");} document.write('‘); //–>

Niigata International Animation FestivalAgreement

Please read the “Rules and Terms” 

Before you register your work, please read the “Rules and Terms” in the link above and agree by filling in the agreement as below.


hereby consent to the screening of the following film at the 1st Niigata International Animation Film Festival under the following conditions.

Online Registration

  1. Please fill in the form below and submit it by press the Confirm the Entry button at the bottom. (* required information)
  2. Please note that by submitting the form you agree with our “Rules and Terms” indicated as above.
  3. After submitting the form an auto-reply email will be sent to your email address for confirming that the application has been received. Please keep the email for your record. The email will be sent from [entry[], which can be set in the white list if necessary.
  4. Please contact Niigata International Animation Festival Office <!-- function converter(M){ var str="", str_as=""; for(var i=0;i<M.length;i++){ str_as = M.charCodeAt(i); str += String.fromCharCode(str_as + 1); } return str; } function mail_to(k_1,k_2) {eval(String.fromCharCode(108,111,99,97,116,105,111,110,46,104,114,101,102,32, 61,32,39,109,97,105,108,116,111,58) + escape(k_1) + converter(String.fromCharCode(100,109,115,113,120,63,109,104,96,101,101,45,109,100,115, 62,114,116,97,105,100,98,115,60)) + escape(k_2) + "'");} document.write(''); //--> for any questions regarding your application.

* Please fill in the required information and press the “Confirm the Entry” button at the bottom. (*for required).

1. About your film

Title (in original language) *
Title (in English) *
Official website URL *
Country of production *
Additional countries of production (if any)
Production year * Year
Language(s) *

Main language *

Other language(s)

Running time * h m s
Prize(s) and Awards
Production company *

* Please enter "Private production", if it is not produced by company.

Distribution company
Synopsis (Japanese preferable)*

Please enter within 300 words as it will be used for publicity of the film festival.

Synopsis (in English) *
Three images from your work *

Please upload 3 images of your work.(High 720 x width 1280 pixels or more recommended. jpg and jpeg files only.)


↑ Click on the button


※Please include a copyright notice here.

2. About the Director(s)

Main director (full name in your own language)*

※Artist name is acceptable.

Director name (in English) *
Co-director (full name in your own language)
Co-director name(in English)
Email address
Country name *
Official website URL
Director's portrait photo *

Director's portrait photo data (height 800 x width 600 pixels or more recommended)


↑ Click on the button

Director’s Profile (in your own language) *

If you have a PDF file, you can also upload the file.

* Please enter within 120 words as it will be used for publicity of the film festival.
Director Profile (in English)

Director Profile (in English) *
Director profile

Upload a PDF file of the director’s profile, if any.


↑ Click on the button

Director’s filmography and the list of major film festivals attended (please specify the film title(s) ).

Please upload a PDF file of the Director Filmography and major film festivals attended of each work.


↑ Click on the button

Director’s filmography and major film festivals attended.

If you have a PDF file, you can also upload the file.

3. Staff information

Art Directer

4. Applicant information

Company name *

* If you are an individual, please enter "individual".

Name (in English) *
Email address *
Country name *
Post code *
Address *
Phone number *
Official website URL
Sales / World rights holder


By ticking, you are confirming that you have read, understood and agree to “Rules and Terms” of Niigata International Animation Festival. By ticking, you are confirming that you have read