
Academic Program アカデミック・プログラム

マンガ家・高野文子によるキャラクター原案・監修! TV アニメシリーズ「平家物語」全編一挙上映!

Screening of the animated TV series Heike Story with English subtitles. Miraculous fusion of manga and anime! Character drafting and supervision by manga artist Fumiko Takano!


大人 ¥2,500/学生 ¥1,500/高校生以下 ¥1,000

Adult ¥2,500/Student ¥1,500/High school students and younger ¥1,000

15:30 琵琶奏者・後藤幸浩氏、トークと演奏/無料
17:15 「平家物語]上映(終映 21:15)

クロスパル新潟/CrossPal Niigata

マンガ家・高野文子によるキャラクター原案・監修! TV アニメシリーズ「平家物語」全編一挙上映!


The lines gradually become 'faces', from which a unique 'personality', 'presence' and even a premonition of the 'story' emerge - this is the 'work' of the artists behind manga expression.
The character creation process for the TV animation Heike Story is a rare collaboration between manga artist Fumiko Takano and animation artist Naoko Yamada.