マンガ家・高野文子によるキャラクター原案・監修! TV アニメシリーズ「平家物語」全編一挙上映!
Screening of the animated TV series Heike Story with English subtitles. Miraculous fusion of manga and anime! Character drafting and supervision by manga artist Fumiko Takano!
大人 ¥2,500/学生 ¥1,500/高校生以下 ¥1,000
Adult ¥2,500/Student ¥1,500/High school students and younger ¥1,000
15:30 琵琶奏者・後藤幸浩氏、トークと演奏/無料
17:15 「平家物語]上映(終映 21:15)
クロスパル新潟/CrossPal Niigata
The lines gradually become 'faces', from which a unique 'personality', 'presence' and even a premonition of the 'story' emerge - this is the 'work' of the artists behind manga expression.
The character creation process for the TV animation Heike Story is a rare collaboration between manga artist Fumiko Takano and animation artist Naoko Yamada.