
Stories have been told of a legendary craftsman during the Edo-era, by the name of Jingoro Hidari. Today, sculptures accredited to Jingoro can be found throughout Japan, but his very existence is yet to be confirmed. Having lost his foster parent and right arm to the betrayal of his senior apprentices, Jingoro is on a journey of revenge with a mechanical prosthetic arm and his sidekick, “Sleeping Cat.” People soon came to call him Jingoro “Hidari” because of his ability to artfully use his carpentry tools with only his left arm (“hidari” means “left” in Japanese). Finally, Jingoro faces one of his adversaries “Inumaru” and the curtains rise on a fight to the death.
*Talk Event
登壇:川村 真司(監督)、八代健志(デザイン・美術)、松本紀子(プロデューサー)
Guest:Masashi Kawamura(Director)、Takeshi Yashiro(Design, Art)、Noriko Matsumoto(Producer)

Masashi Kawamura
Whatever Co.のCCO/クリエイティブ・ディレクター。180、BBH、Wieden & Kennedyといった世界各国のエージェンシーでクリエイティブディレクターを歴任。2011年PARTYを設立し、New York及びTaipeiの代表を務めた後、2018年新たにWhatever Co.をスタート。数々のグローバルブランドのキャンペーン企画を始め、プロダクトデザイン、テレビ番組開発、ミュージックビデオ演出など活動は多岐に渡る。
Masashi is the Chief Creative Officer of Whatever Co. He has worked as a creative director at various global creative agencies, such as 180 Amsterdam, BBH New York, Wieden & Kennedy New York. He founded PARTY in 2011, and after serving as the head of its New York and Taipei studios, he moved on to start Whatever Co. in 2018. He has worked on a wide range of projects, including brand campaigns, TV programs, music videos, and more.